Where do you see constructive alignment and backward design used in this course or another course you are taking/have taken?

Instructional design is essential when planning a course as it outlines what the learner is to expect when going through and coming out of the learning experience.

I have always found looking at the learning outcomes before diving into the material extremely helpful. I find myself continuously referring back to the outcomes when reading the material and writing about it. When there are dense materials and topics, having the learning outcomes can offer students a guiding point in their learning

One of my classes had us create an outline for a project that we would conduct with a community partner. This class has been structured to help us make our own learning project. In the spring semester I will be organizing a hearing health fair. I hope to use this fair to give students accessible knowledge about hearing health. The learning outcome is to become more aware of hearing health and the deaf and hard of hearing communities.

Big Idea   What is the big idea that the learner will walk away with at the end of the lesson that is critical for learners at this stage of their learning path? Learning Outcome(s)What specific things will the learner know or be able to do by the end of the lesson? Evidence of LearningWhat does learning look like for this objective? (e.g., accurate performance of a task, correct use of terminology)AssessmentsWhat will learners do to provide evidence of their learning? (e.g., a presentation, a test, a project)Learning ActivitiesWhat learning activities will allow learners to acquire and practice the skills necessary to demonstrate their learning and complete the assessment successfully?
The big idea is for students to gain a better understanding of the deaf & hard of hearing community as well as the importance of hearing health. 
1) Understand what deafness and hard of hearing is. 2) Understand the importance of hearing health3) Destigmatize hearing differentInteractive activities to engage learners about hearing health such as a mannequin that shows the frequency pitches in hertz on scales.  Learners will provide their understanding of the knowledge by completing a hearing frequencies activity.The mannequin activity will allow learners to see how loud noises can impact hearing loss by seeing the frequency pitches in the headphones of the mannequin.