I found the topic of accessibility and equity really interesting this week. It is easy to go about life and interact with media when it has been designed for people just like you. For many others, it is challenging to do so as it was not created with their needs. For example, captions are extremely important for the deaf and hard of hearing community. When the pandemic hit, there were not enough resources for this community to feel as though communication was accessible. Not having access to subtitles has been an issue for a long time. During the pandemic we have seen an increase in demand as the world has started to realize how important these accessibility points are for others.

There are many barriers faces whiles learning. I like how Shelley put it by saying “We don’t need to fix people”. This is true, we don’t. What we need are more Social Models. There is something in their context that is limiting their success. Each of the tools we are learning in this class has made it so that we can learn to share more accessible knowledge. I

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